Femisapien is WowWee's first female robot ever. She's smart, funny, can dance up a storm, and perform skits with you or with other WowWee robots. This review will give you an in-depth look at Femisapien's features and interface; by interface I mean how you interact with her and teach her dances and movements.
NOTE: The now famous E.M.A. robot also known as Sega's Kissing Robot is in reality a Femisapien. E.M.A. is a Femisapien repackaged and rebranded for the Japanese market in an OEM deal. E.M.A. stands for Eternal Maiden Actualization.
NOTE: For the usual basic features and requirements summary in convenient list format, visit our main Femisapien page.
Review tip: remember, whenever you see this finger icon:
It means an important tip follows that you should pay attention to. You’ll also see it next to the link that takes you to the next page in this review. Also, be sure to watch our video review of Femisapien; text good, moving pictures better!
A good pair of wire cutters, a decent knife, and a Phillips head screwdriver makes unpacking Femisapien a simple task; especially the wire cutters, without which the job becomes much harder. Make sure not to pull too hard on the robot’s appendages, she’s tough but she will break. If you have cut all the straps properly she should slip easily out of the box. Sometimes you have to pull the wire straps completely out of the box after cutting them before she comes loose.